The Rock answers to The Warpaint Project plea for Naomi-

I wrote an email to The Rock.. I am not the story; Naomi deserved their attention, she is their fan, she chose them and they needed to choose her in return. She was invited to this event by The Rock's team, ringside seats, backstage passes, the whole Warrior work's and was unable to go. 

They answered that email, changed her life; I love this project! And I love that child.

@therock answers The Warpaint Project's Email to gift Naomi, 8yr old Warrior of stage 4 brain cancer with a gift    See this Instagram video by @wwenxt

We Love you Naomi, and would do anything so that you remember you are in inspiration to all the Warpaint Project Family and Community. Thank you for being you, kiddo; this is your Warrior moment/. 

All our love

Aubre' and Joe 

@warpaintaubre  @pourhousejoe

"Giving Artork (and wishes) to Warriors of Cancer & Life"

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