A Thank You to All Artists; You Make The World So Beautiful

Dear Artists and Lovers Of Art,  

The WarPaint Project consists of two 43-year-old, self-taught artists, Aubre' and Joe, who turned a third bedroom into a studio to create paintings for a very small audience of a dozen mom's who wanted a painting for their child, who was either actively fighting, or survived, autism, pediatric, or childhood cancer. Sometime in August of 2019, the invitation for a free painting caught on, as the videos revealed a very contagious tearful response to the artwork made for their Warriors. 

It is so important, beneath the emotional words, and experiences, and the 'asks' for donations you read, or the terrible news that another of their beloved Warriors has passed, that you remember there is NOTHING special about The WarPaint Project, or Aubre' and Joe; The WarPaint Project lives inside every Artist who has ever painted a gift and given it away. 

If you've never had a painting made for you, if you've never owned a piece of original art, if you've never seen what artwork an pour out of someone when they are passionately painting; let us know! You, as a human being, deserve to know, and own, a piece of artwork made just for you. We are happy to paint for you, just hit the 'reply' button and let us know what you want painted. 

Artists, if your work isn't being seen, or sold, and you want it to; hit 'reply' and we have a solution. The WarPaint Project is looking for artists who will donate their artwork to Warriors nationwide. This is your opportunity to have your work seen, loved, and sit centerpiece in a gift-giving event to honor Warriors as small as three-years-old, or women who have been fighting Cancer for ten years, and everything in between. We want your help, we cannot wait to see who replies; do it! 

Warriors, we want you to learn how to draw, paint, and create art and we are going to send you the supplies for free! We need a favor- hit reply, and let us know you want to learn. We need a head count so we can ask for donations! This includes your brothers and sisters, and your children. 

Reply, talk to us, and let's change the world together. It all starts with your voice. Click REPLY

PS- The REPLY goes to Aubre@TheWarPaintProject.com - and is checked every single day. We want to know who is listening. When we receive your email, we will reply with the next steps, we can insure you we have exciting plans for every type of reply; this is your opportunity to do something different, fun, and may just be a bit of an awakening. 

Without Art, the world would be lost; there would be no architecture, art deco, or acrylic pouring cells. It takes a moment of wonder, followed by a step, to do whatever you want to in this life. 

Time to Step Forward! See you on the other side! 


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